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Baronial Bard Badge
The Baronial Bards of Ponte Alto

For Baron Ranulf and Baroness Caitlyn
Start Month Bard
February 1997Celia of Rosedale
February 1998Arianwen fech Maelgwn (Anastasia da Firenze)
February 1999Briana Maclukas
For Baron Donald and Baroness Winifred
Start Month Bard
February 2000Siguard Haakonson
February 2001Ailleann O'Meighan
For Baron Thomas and Baroness Denise
Start Month Bard
February 2002Odde ap Tam
For Baron Marcellus and Baroness Belphoebe
Start Month Bard
February 2004Cassandra Arabella Giordani
February 2005Melissent d'Artois (Millicent Chandler/Pippa Morosini)
February 2006Luce Antony Venus
February 2007Talitha of Avalon
For Baron Jurgen and Baroness Flora
Start Month Bard
February 2008Willow Faye Dunn
For Baron James and Baroness Katharine
Start Month Bard
February 2009Belphoebe de Givet
February 2010Pippa Morosini (Melissent d'Artois/Millicent Chandler)
For Baron Drogo and Baroness Adina
Start Month Bard
January 2011Celia of Rosedale
February 2012Cassandra Arabella Giordani
February 2013Luce Antony Venus
February 2014Celia of Rosedale
February 2015Hákon
For Baron Alric and Baroness Cellach
Start Month Bard
February 2016Aurelia
February 2017Hannus Siltanen
February 2018Ailleann O'Meighan
For Naran Noyon and Baroness Marie-Therese
Start Month Bard
February 2019Diana of Ponte Alto
December 2020Celia of Rosedale

Last Updated: 12/20/2020 by Ronan mac Imair


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