Arms of Ponte AltoThe Barony of Ponte Alto


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Knight's Marshal
Sir Frederick Thurstone
marshal AT

Marshal's Badge

Armored Marshal
Lord Heinrich von Holstein (Henry Holstein)
marshal AT

Deputy Armored Marshal
Vacant - contact Seneschal for inquiries

Armored Fighting

"One of the most well-known and widely-enjoyed activities in the SCA is armored combat. Our warriors participate in tournaments for individuals and teams, tactical melees involving dozens of combatants, and even large-scale wars with thousands of participants! Unlike reenactments of battles from history, our combat activities are unchoreographed and the outcome is entirely based on the skill and training of the combatants involved." [Taken from the Society page on Armored Combat.]

Practice is geared to developing beginning and intermediate fighters through intensive hands on training with experienced instructors, as well to providing ample opportunity for more advanced fighters to spar with knight level combatants. All are welcome.

For more information please contact:

  • Armored Marshal, Heinrich von Holstein [armored AT]
  • Deputy Armored Marshal, Lord Duncan the Elder [deputyarmored AT]
  • Knight's Marshal, Jacques Gonse [knightmarshal AT]


Official SCA Introduction to Armored Combat
Kingdom of Atlantia Combat Rules
SCA Marshal's Handbook
Shield and Weapon Weights from Cariadoc's Miscellany
The Closed Form Heater Style from Cariadoc's Miscellany
Stefan's Florilegium - Index on Period and SCA Combat
SCA Armor Facebook Group
SCA Armor Construction Facebook Group
SCA Armor For Sale Facebook Group


Some pictures of our armored fighters!

Last Updated: 5/26/2022 by Ronan


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