Arms of Ponte AltoThe Barony of Ponte Alto


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Performing Arts

The spirit of the minstrels and bards is alive and well in the Society! One of the images that comes to mind when we think about the Middle Ages is the image of a troubadour singing lively songs and telling thrilling tales of battles. Bards and minstrels of the SCA perform a wide variety of music from the Middle Ages, from sprightly Renaissance dancing tunes to beautiful, medieval choral works and everything in between. Our performers also write and perform a great deal of original music composed in the spirit of the Middle Ages, ranging from marching anthems for their kingdoms to bardic ballads about beloved figures. [Excerpted from the Society page on Performing Arts.]

Dance Practice

Meets: New schedule to be determined for 2020.

The dancing group is open to anyone interested in learning medieval and renaissance dance.


Official SCA Introduction to Performing Arts
SCA Minstrel Homepage
Stefan's Florilegium - Index on Dance
Stefan's Florilegium - Index on Entertainment
Stefan's Florilegium - Index on Permance Arts
SCA Bardic Arts Facebook Group
Bards and Performers of Atlantia Facebook Group
The Knowne World Bardcast Facebook Group
SCA Online Virtual Bardic Night Facebook Page


Some pictures of our performers!

Last Updated: 1/9/2020 by Ronan


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