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Photo courtesy of
Thomas Beebe
(click on image to view full size)
Barony of Ponte Alto's Arms

Baronage of Ponte Alto
Sir Hákon brimill and Baroness Hrefna blinda
(David and DaRong Hultman)

Their Excellencies of Ponte Alto,
Baroness Hrefna blinda and Baron Hákon brimill,
welcome you!

Baronial Whims

Hákon brimill and Hrefna blinda

We have no known food allergies

Hákon: whiskey, dark beers, meads and ciders. I really dont drink much other than water outside of alcohol and coffee.

Hrefna: Prefers meads and ciders and coke is the soft drink of choice.

Baronial Progress

Mar 30th Barony of Ponte Alto Investiture Vienna, VA Hákon and Hrefna
April 5th-7th Spring Coronation Boonville, NC Hákon and Hrefna
April 12th-14th Storvik Novice Tournament Upper Marlboro, MD Hákon and Hrefna
May 3rd-5th Spring Crown Tournament Bennettsville, SC Hákon and Hrefna
May 24th-27th Ruby Joust XII Ashland, VA Hákon and Hrefna
June 15th Victory on the Vine Culpeper, VA Hákon and Hrefna

Baronial History

View the Baronial history of Ponte Alto

Page layout still under construction
Last Updated: 4/3/2024 by Ronan


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