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Web Minister's Badge

Web Minister
Lord Rónán mac Ímair (RJ Hanagan)
webminister AT

Deputy Web Minister
Lord Robin of Ponte Alto (Brian MacMonigle)

Web Publication Policy

The following is an excerpt from the Policies of the Great Officers of the Kingdom of Atlantia.

9.4 Publication Permission and Copyright Issues

9.4.1     For the purposes of these policies, copyrighted material is defined as any original work that falls under one of the following categories:    Literary works;    Musical works, including any accompanying words;    Dramatic works, including any accompanying music;    Pictorial or graphic works;    Motion pictures and other audiovisual works;    Sound recordings.

NOTE: Copyright protection subsists from the time the work is created in a fixed form. Original works do not need to be published or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office in order to receive copyright protection. For further information regarding copyrights refer to the United States Code, Title 17 - Copyrights.

9.4.2    It is the responsibility of each web minister to ensure that they have permission to publish the items on their web site. Any materials submitted for publication that fall under one of the categories listed above shall be treated as copyrighted material. Written permission (email is acceptable) from the creator of the work must be received by the web minister prior to it being published. Such e-mail notifications should be archived, stored and in all other respects treated the same way written releases are treated. When such permission is granted, editors must ensure that the caveat "Copyright © [date and holder]. Used with Permission" is printed with the submission. Copyright infringement will not be tolerated in Atlantian web sites and repeated violations are cause for removing the web minister's warrant.

9.4.3    The following items found on Atlantia's branch web sites do not need written permission to publish them:    Group Regnum (SCA name, office, and role email addresses only. Permission is required to publish legal names, addresses, phone numbers, and personal email addresses.)    Letters submitted for publication by the group's officers that pertain to their office    Local calendar of activities    Minutes of the monthly business meeting


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