Arms of Ponte AltoThe Barony of Ponte Alto


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Knight's Marshal
Sir Frederick Thurstone
marshal AT

Deputy Knight Marshal
Miriam Giantslayer (Amanda Petritsch)

Marshal's Badge

Armored Marshal
Lord Heinrich von Holstein (Henry Holstein)
marshal AT

Deputy Armored Marshal
Vacant - contact Seneschal for inquiries

Rapier Marshal's Badge

Rapier Marshal
Miriam Giantslayer (Amanda Petritsch)
marshal AT

Deputy Rapier Marshal
Vacant - contact Seneschal for inquiries

Archery Marshal's Badge

Archery Marshal
Lord Rónán mac Ímair (RJ Hanagan)
marshal AT

Deputy Archery Marshal
Lord Torin Mildenhalle (Torin Daum)

Deputy Archery Marshal
Master Naran Numuchi (Nicholas Freer)
(703) 836-5654 (M)

Target Archery Scores

View the archery rankings of those members of the Barony of Ponte Alto who have shot three Royal Rounds.

To All Heavy Weapons Fighters of Ponte Alto and Its Environs!

A reminder to those to attend martial activities and practice at Fairfax County Public Schools: Fairfax County Schools do not allow any form of real weapons, even work knives, Swiss Army knives, box cutters, etc, to be brought onto school property. Lemon Road Elementary has in the past officially informed the Barony that any infraction of this rule will result in the perrnanent loss of our practice site there. Therefore, please be respectful of this rule so that we may continue having our practices at this school. Thank you!

Last Updated: 1/21/2020 by Ronan


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