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Baronial Roll of Arms

Lady Emilia di Nicastro
Device of Emilia di Nicastro
Per fess embattled azure and Or, a sun in splendor and a tower counterchanged.
Name registered with the College of Arms in December 2018.
Device registered with the College of Arms in September 2021.
[AKA Maura Nicastle]
Award Date Award
2/16/2019 Award of Arms (Atlantia)
8/10/2023 Baroness' Award of Courtesy (Ponte Alto) (Atlantia)
There are 2 awards.

Device image courtesy of Melchior zum grauen Wolf.

Device images are the property of their creators and are used here with permission. For information on using device images from this website, please contact the Clerk of Precedence, who will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors.


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